Get involved
We’re stronger together.
“Community first” is at the heart of what we do. Bringing the combined strength of that community together is how we achieve our mission of raising standards across the sector.
Once you become a member, you can volunteer to participate in a number of ways. You can join as a Committee member at any time. To join as a Board or Committee Director you must go through the nomination process. Board and Committee Director positions are reviewed annually.

Choose how you want to get involved...
Board Director
A non-executive Director position where you are heavily involved in guiding the strategic direction of the CAA.
Roles: Chairman, Partnerships, Marketing / Growth, Industry Representative (Franchise), Industry Representative (Independent), Finance, Lobbying
To attend board meetings on a quarterly basis – 2 per year in person in central London and 2 per year online.
To commit to actively participate in committee work and other organisational activities outside of board meetings for a minimum of one day a month.
Committee Director
Responsible for heading up one of the sub-committees, leading and coordinating the team of committee members and taking ownership of one of the CAA’s primary strategic objectives.
Roles: Regional Meetings, Membership, Partnerships, National Conference, Compliance and Accreditation, Schools, Nurseries and Venues, Community
To organise and run sub-committee meetings every 2 months.
To share feedback and information to the board with a full report on a quarterly basis prior to the board meetings.
To dedicate a minimum of 1 day per month to committee work.
Committee Member
Each sub committee needs a team. Ideally suited for members who would maybe struggle to commit to a Committee or Board Director role but want to show their commitment to the sector or volunteer their expertise.
To regularly join sub-committee meetings (ideally once a month)
To actively participate in the sub-committees activities
About the Board Director Roles
Click on the tabs below for a description of each role's responsibilities and requirements.
Has overall responsibility for strategy and leadership of the Board Directors and CAA staff. Oversees good governance and encourages open and fair discussions and decisions.
Must not be compromised by interests conflicting with the CAA and ideally does not earn their living from within the Children’s Activities sector or associated businesses/services provider.
About the Committees
Click on the tabs below for a description of each committee's responsibilities.
Areas of responsibility:
Help create a strategy around regional meetings defining the objectives, goals and strategic direction for the regional meetings in alignment with the overall mission of the CAA.
Assist in determining the frequency, format and content of regional meetings based on CAA goals.
Provide input on selecting suitable venues, dates and times for the meetings.
Help create agendas that can address relevant topics, engage members and non-members
Suggest strategies for maximising member participation and engagement during regional meetings
Provide ideas for guest speakers, networking activities and other engagement opportunities that enhance the value of the meetings for attendees.
Offer advice on identifying and inviting guest speakers, subject matters experts or industry leaders to present at the meetings and how to engage Partners with the event.
Advise on a communication plan to ensure members and non-members are well informed about the meetings and their benefits.
Advise on methods to gather feedback from attendees after each regional meeting to assess their satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
Analyse feedback and suggest adjustments to future meetings based on collected data.
Provide guidance on setting registration fees to cover costs and ensure sustainability
Provide regular reports to the Board on the outcomes, attendance and impact of the regional meetings. Share insights and suggestions for future improvements based on the meetings’ performance.